Learn ANY language in 3 months


With the Natural Language Learning system


You had 4 years of Spanish classes in High School or College...


But you don't understand much.


You have been using language Apps for over a year...


But still can't have a basic conversation or understand native speakers.


Maybe living abroad for a while but still can't communicate well in the local language?


Now imagine you can memorise +100 new words a day.


Imagine you can learn everything you need to say in all relevant situations in just a few weeks.


That you can understand the language well.


Imagine learning by reading and listening to interesting content about your favourite topic.


Instead of studying grammar rules or having to go to a language school.


Sounds  too good to be true?


The reality of it is that...


You have been wasting your time.

But it is not your fault.

Traditional grammar-based language learning is slow, boring and impractical.


That's why most people fail at language learning.


The problem is that the vast majority of language schools and academies teach this way.


This includes the expensive language classes that most prestigious universities offer their students.


Either they don't know better and they are too lazy and close-minded to try anything else or..

Maybe they want to keep you paying for their classes forever?


Either way it's not good.


Most Apps are even worse.


They've become popular because they're either free or cheap and they offer you a gamified experience that makes you feel like you are learning while playing video games.


The problem is that it doesn't work:


It's designed to reward you with easy but meaningless "wins" so that you keep playing endlessly.


It's a dopamine trap.


Who cares if you're on a "857 day streak" if you still can't have a decent conversation?


Wouldn't it be better to be able to speak and understand the language in the real world?


Natural Language Learning


Learn ANY language in 3 months with the NLL system.


This is what you will be able to do:

  • Learn +1,000 words a week
  • Understand Natives Easily
  • Speak Fluently in any Situation
Join NLL Course!


You don't think you can do it?


I know what you're thinking: This sounds too good to be true.


You're probably thinking this only works for people who have "talent" or are "good at languages".


I wasn't exactly a brilliant student in school... I wasn't good at languages until I figured out a better way to learn.


Maybe you think you're too old.


That's another common myth.


 Try this system and take it seriously for a month.


You'll see spectacular results.

From Mediocre Student to Hyperpolyglot

I wasn't always good at languages. I used to fail English in school as a kid.


In fact, I was basically bad at everything in school.


It was impossible for me to concentrate and pay attention in class and I would never do my homework, simply because I completely forgot about it.


The few things I was good at, were the things that I liked and that I would do obsessively.


If I was a kid today they would probably have diagnosed me with ADHD.


I barely passed high school and I went to Uni because that's what we were told we should do.


I didn't exactly do well in Uni at first.


I was a hopeless student and I got a job washing dishes in a restaurant instead.


However, by that time I had started to realise that my English was actually pretty good.


I wasn't aware of it back then but the hundreds of hours spent online playing video games, watching films and reading forums on interesting topics were all what linguist Stephen Krashen calls "comprehensible and compelling input": 


The best way to learn vocabulary and grammar.


Around that time, my parents convinced me to join a "Memorisation & Study Techniques" course and go back to Uni. 


It was basically a combination of memorisation techniques, speed reading and learning to have a schedule.


I was skeptical at first...But then I started seeing results. I started doing way better in Uni.


I also started taking German classes and hanging out with foreign students. I was confident in my English. Now it was something I was proud of. It was all a virtuous circle.


After finally finishing my studies I moved to Germany, where I discovered that my German was pretty bad and I couldn't get a job.


No matter how much I studied, I didn't get better at it. I had to come back home.


There had to be a better way to learn. 


My English was good but both my French and my German sucked, despite having years of classes.

What was the difference?


I started doing lots of research and experimenting, always looking for a better and faster method to learn.


This is where the Natural Language Learning system was born.


Of course, it didn't have a name back then and it was  nowhere near as effective as it is now.


It took years trial and error to perfect it. But it worked.


Not only did I get better at those languages, I also started learning new ones.


Becoming proficient at foreign languages offered me many opportunities that I would otherwise never have had.


At some point, friends started asking for help for their own language learning and one of them suggested I should do it for a living, full time..


The Natural Language Learning system


The NLL system combines:

  1. Input Theory

  2. The 80/20 Rule

  3. Memorisation techniques

To accelerate language learning immensely.


Language learning is not that complicated if you break it down.


And the NLL system combines those 3 concepts to:


1. Learn massive amounts of vocabulary to understand the language.


2. Learn pronunciation to understand well when you listen.


3. Do lots of speaking practice to become fluent.


I simply figured out the best way to achieve those 3 things as quickly as possible.


Every exercise in Natural Language Learning is there because it is a highly effective way to improve in one of those areas.


The goal of every exercise is to help you improve as much as possible, as fast as possible in one of those key areas.

Who am I?

My name is Mikel Telleria Mujika and I am a language coach.


I am a member of the International Association of Hyperpolyglots.


I speak 12 languages fluently and I am learning more.


I have a background in translation and international business.


After many years of real world experience, research and experimenting, I developed the Natural Language Learning system in the Innovation Centre of the University of Deusto, San Sebastián. 

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I usually coach entrepreneurs and professionals who need to learn a language fast.


Business trips, presentations, negotiations with international partners...


But more and more people have been asking about the NLL system.


So I have created the Natural Language Learning course because there is a limit to the amount of people I can coach one on one. 

Natural Language Learning


Everything you need to know to speak ANY language fluently in 3 months or less.


For only 99€ a month.


If you follow the plan step-by-step, you can't fail.


This is what you will be able to do:

  • Learn +1,000 words a week

  • Understand Natives Easily

  • Speak Fluently in any Situation

Everything you need to get those results is included here:

Join NLL Course!

You will get better results with NLL in a month than with Apps or classes in a year.


There is nothing like this in the market.


No App or language school will get you these results. Not even close.


This course will get you the results you want NOW.


That is why you should take it and start learning as soon as possible.


Because if you don't...


You will waste hundreds of hours of your time  in language classes and Apps that you could use more productively, to make more money or learn other useful skills...


You will also miss out on many professional and personal opportunities you could have IF YOU WERE ALREADY FLUENT that you will miss forever because you didn't learn the language on time. 


The Natural Language Learning system will:

  1. Save you a lot of time that you will waste on classes and Apps.

  2. Bring you new opportunities that otherwise you wouldn't have.


There is no limit to the amount of languages you can learn.


You can become a polyglot or even a hyperpolyglot if you want.

Natural Language Learning will get you better results in a month than Apps and classes in a year.


Save hundreds of hours of your time that you would waste sitting in boring classes or studying grammar.


Get the results you need NOW!


Benefit personally and professionally from speaking a new language fluently NEXT MONTH, not "some day".


Speak ANY language fluently for only 99€ a month

Join NLL Course!


"I spent over a year trying to learn Spanish using apps, tutors and many online resources – and I still wasn’t able to talk. Mikel introduced to me a completely different approach of a natural language learning where, in fact, I didn’t have to learn anything or spend much time on it. Within just a couple of months I saw incredible results and was finally able to have a conversation and communicate. All of it without eating away much of the time from my busy schedule."

Andrei Kasyanau, CEO At Glorium Technologies

After years of wasting time with language learning Apps, I finally got around to learning Spanish. The Natural Language Learning method made it possible, despite my busy schedule.”

 Johannes Mahler, Peak Performance Coach At ThriveX



But wait, there's more...

If you sign up now you will also get:

We will provide you with an extensive library of language learning materials that you can use to apply all the techniques you will learn in the modules.


We have gathered quality materials for dozens of languages and there is no limit to the amount of languages you can learn with the Natural Language Learning system, at the same time or one after another.


If there is a specific language you want to learn for which we don't have the materials yet, you can let us know and we will find them for you.

Join NLL Course!

If that wasn't enough, we'll also help you create your own...

We will help you create your own Language Islands.


This document alone is enough to make you reach a conversational level in ANY language quickly.


Combining this with all the techniques from the course will allow you to learn +1,000 new sentences a week in any language and be able to understand and speak well in a few weeks.

Learn ANY language in 3 months

With the Natural Language Learning system:


Speak ANY language fluently in 3 months

Join NLL Course!

Still thinking about it?


Well, let's add one last thing to the deal. 


And if you are serious about learning a language.


You shouldn't miss out on this opportunity because I am giving you...

The value of this alone is at least several thousand dollars.


You are getting access to the notes and secrets of one of the World's leading experts in their field.


Tens of thousands of hours of research, experimenting and practice summarised.


Considering everything else you are already getting in the course, you could say you are getting this effectively for free. Please use it responsibly and do not share it with anyone.


If you have the discipline and work ethic for it, you can learn a dozen languages in a year just by using this.

Join NLL Course!

Learn ANY language in 3 months.


With the Natural Language Learning system:


All of this for just 99€ a month.

Join NLL Course!


Learn ANY language in 3 months

With the Natural Language Learning system:


Rather have 1on1 language coaching?

Get in touch if you want a more personalised learning experience.