The real reason you still can’t speak Spanish

Nov 03, 2023

The real reason you still can’t speak Spanish is this:

  1. You are not getting enough input.
  2. You are not getting enough speaking practice.

You need massive amounts of input to understand a language well. 

You need to read millions of words. The equivalent of +20 books.

You need to listen to thousands of hours of content.

You need hundreds of hours of effective speaking practice.

Are you discouraged yet? You should be.

That’s going to take years of hard work.


What if there was a hack to make the whole process faster and easier?

I’ve got good news for you. There are ways to speed up the process immensely.

Want to hear all the cheat codes? Keep reading.

If you apply what you’re about to hear.

You’ll save yourself years of boring language classes and grammar lessons.

You’ll be able to learn any language in 3 months or less.

You just have to follow these steps.

And apply these techniques. 

Language learning is very simple if you break it down.

  1. You need to learn the meaning of lots of words.
  2. You need to understand them when you hear them. 
  3. You need to practice speaking until you get good at it.

I could bore you with scientific data.

About how many words you need to know to be fluent.

Or different studies on how to acquire language more effectively.

But I won’t.

The science is there, go look it up if you’re interested.

I’ll summarise it for you.

To save you time and help you get results quickly. 

Let’s get straight to the point.

This is what you need to do to learn a language fast:

  1. Memorise a lot of vocabulary quickly using associations. 
  2. Read a lot to learn grammar and vocabulary.
  3. Listen a lot to improve comprehension and speaking.
  4. Use Language Islands to improve your conversation skills quickly.
  5. Listening and repeating drills to improve your accent and fluency.
  6. Use translation to identify and correct all the mistakes you’re making.

If you still can’t understand anything, you need to memorise more vocabulary.

If you struggle to form sentences when you’re trying to speak, you need to use Language Islands.

If your accent’s terrible you need to do more listening and repeating drills.

If you’re making lots of mistakes, you need to do some translation work. 

These 6 exercises will fix all your language learning problems.

This is all you need to do to learn a language fast:

  1. Memorise a lot of vocabulary quickly using associations. 
  2. Read a lot to learn grammar and vocabulary.
  3. Listen a lot to improve comprehension and speaking.
  4. Use Language Islands to improve your conversation skills quickly.
  5. Listening and repeating drills to improve your accent and fluency.
  6. Use translation to identify and correct all the mistakes you’re making.

If you want to speed up your language learning with these techniques.

But you’re struggling to implement them.

You should join the Natural Language Learning course.

Master these techniques and you'll be able to learn any language in 3 months.

Is there a language you'd like to learn?

You too can learn a language in a few months. You can even become a polyglot if you want to. Get in touch for one-on-one coaching.

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