Why moving to a country to learn the language doesn't work

Why moving to a country to learn the language doesn't work

Dec 29, 2022

It is a common misconception that in order to learn a language well, you need to move to the country in which they speak it. The reality of it is that there are plenty of people who speak a language well without ever having set foot in that country, and plenty who despite living there for years, still struggle with the most basic interactions.

Moving to a country where the language is spoken can be helpful, only if it means getting more time spent practicing the basics: reading, listening and speaking. If you speak your native language at work and with your friends, and your favourite activity at home is watching Netflix or YouTube videos also in your native language, do you really expect to improve at the local language? There's nothing in the air in that country that will make you learn the language by breathing.

The key to success is daily practice. Daily reading, listening and speaking. The more of it the better. In this day and age, you can do that from home, without having to move anywhere. You don't need to move to a country in order to learn a foreign language. And if you decide to move there, the same rules apply. What you need is a good learning plan and consistency.

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