Avoid these language learning mistakes I made

Dec 20, 2023

Not all experience is the same.

20 years showing up and going through the motions.

Is not the same as someone who is trying to learn and improve every single day.

The Japanese have this continuous improvement concept called Kaizen.

It involves constant learning and improving.

Always trying to make the process more efficient.

I've spent +20 years and +20,000 hours learning languages.

A lot of it was a waste of time.

Doing a lot of things that weren't effective. 

Getting the same mediocre results everyone gets.

I did that because that's the accepted learning method everyone uses.

Most people quit after a while because they see no results.

But I kept trying and looking for something that worked.

Because I was determined to become good at languages.

I found some things that work well, like the Input Theory.

But still too slow. Slower than what I wanted to achieve.

It was a start though, just needed some extras and patching.

I kept looking. I kept trying new things...

And finally I found a few things that really speed up your language learning.

This didn't happen overnight.

I've done a lot of research and experimenting.

Looking for ways to get faster and better results.

This is what I learned:

1. Studying with grammar books and going to language classes is extremely slow and inefficient. 

2. Getting massive amounts of reading and listening is essential in order to understand and speak a language well. It is the most effective way to learn vocabulary and grammar.

3. Learning by reading and listening is difficult and slow in the beginning if you don't know enough vocabulary and the language is too different from the ones you already speak. You need to memorise a lot of vocabulary fast with associations.

4. Gamified Apps like Duolingo are a complete waste of time. Will not help you improve your comprehension or speaking skills.

5. To speak better you need a lot of speaking practice. You can practice speaking on your own thanks to technology.

6. Translating into the language is the best way to become proficient at it.

These are the lessons I have learned after +20 years of language learning.

This is how I developed the Natural Language Learning system.

You can learn any language in 3 months with this method.

Is there a language you'd like to learn?

You too can learn a language in a few months. You can even become a polyglot if you want to. Get in touch for one-on-one coaching.

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