How chess can help you learn languages.
Oct 18, 2023How chess can help you learn languages.
By making you better at memorising words.
You can literally learn hundreds of new words.
Wait what? What does chess have to do with languages?
Keep reading and you'll understand.
This is the truth:
If you want to learn a language fast.
You are going to need a lot of creativity.
You need to be able to visualise and associate fast.
So chess will expland your ability to do those things?
Not really but chess is easy to visualise:
Black and white pieces, checkered board.
It's also one syllable: Chess.
You are going to need a lot of these.
The easiest and fastest way to visualise a long word.
Is to break it down into smaller words.
Having pre-prepared mental images for many syllables.
Will help you visualise and associate faster.
Every Arabic word that starts with "al/el"?
I visualise Al Bundy sitting on his sofa.
Every "psi/pse" sound in a long Polish word?
I visualise a famous psychologist.
That way you can quickly combine mental images for syllables.
Visualise long and complicated words more easily:
Al Mansil (approximate pronunciation) means house in Arabic.
Visualise a house + AL Bundy + MAN + SILvio from the Sopranos.
Make up some sort of story with that and visualise it.
You can do this with hundreds of new words a day.
This is a skill you have to practice to get good at.
But once you get good at it it's a game-changer.
Both for language learning and everything else.
You can use it to memorise anything.
From long and boring legal texts.
To scientific concepts and math formulas.
Combine this with speed reading to review faster.
And you'll become a learning machine.
If you want to learn how to do this.
Is there a language you'd like to learn?
You too can learn a language in a few months. You can even become a polyglot if you want to. Get in touch for one-on-one coaching.
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