The 5 Stages of Learning Spanish (and what to do in each one

spanish Feb 07, 2023

Learning Spanish can be an exciting and rewarding experience, and with dedication and hard work, it is possible to become fluent in the language. Whether you are learning Spanish for travel, work, or simply for the love of it, there are five key stages that you will go through on your way to fluency. In this article, we will outline these stages and offer tips and advice to help you reach your goal of speaking Spanish fluently.

Stage 1: Discovering the Language

In this stage, your primary focus should be on building up your vocabulary. A great way to do this is by using mnemonics, which are memory aids that help you remember words and phrases. For example, you might associate a word with a picture or a story, making it easier to recall. Another useful technique is to read as much as possible in Spanish, whether it be books, news articles, or online forums. This will help you to see words in context and pick up new vocabulary naturally.

Stage 2: The Language Becomes Familiar

Once you have a basic understanding of Spanish, it is time to immerse yourself in the language as much as possible. This means listening to audio, watching videos, and reading extensively. One of the most effective ways to do this is to create, memorise, and drill 80/20 sentences, which are the 20% of sentences that you will use 80% of the time in basic conversations. This will help you to build confidence and start speaking Spanish more fluently.

Stage 3: Overcoming the Plateau

At this stage, you may start to feel as though you are not making much progress. This is a common experience known as the plateau, but it can be overcome by continuing with massive input. Try to create Language Islands, which are groups of sentences that you use frequently, for all the topics you talk about such as ordering food, asking directions, and making small talk. This will help you to start speaking more naturally and fluently in Spanish.

Stage 4: Understanding Around 80%

At this point, you will be able to understand most of what is said in Spanish, but there may still be some grammatical rules and vocabulary that you are struggling with. To perfect these, try translating a bilingual text into Spanish, comparing it with the original, and making corrections. This will help you to refine your understanding of the language and build up your knowledge of grammar and vocabulary.

Stage 5: Totally Comfortable in the Language

Finally, you will reach a stage where you are totally comfortable in Spanish, and it becomes an enjoyable experience. To maintain this level of fluency, it is important to keep listening, reading, and speaking as much as possible. Whether you are watching TV shows, chatting with native speakers, or reading books, make sure you are continually engaging with the language and enjoying it.

In conclusion, the journey of learning Spanish can be a long and challenging one, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. By following these stages and tips, you will be well on your way to speaking Spanish fluently. So why not start your journey today and become fluent in a language that you love!

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