2 things you need to do daily to learn languages fast

Oct 16, 2023

You can learn as many languages as you want.

If you do these 2 exercises daily:

1. Memorisation with Associations

2. Massive Input

Wait what does this even mean?

It's simple. This is how it works:

First you memorise the 1000 most common words.

You visualise them and you associate them.

You will understand 80% of the language just with that.

Massive Input means reading and listening to the language a lot.

Every single day as much as you can.

This would be difficult at first with a new language.

You wouldn't understand much.

It would take a long time for you to understand.

Luckily you've used the association technique.

Already memorised the 1000 most common words.

You already understand 80% of the text.

Reading and listening will be much easier now.

To learn all the grammar and vocabulary.

Find interesting content and read and listen to it.

You can continue using the association technique.

To memorise all the topic-specific vocabulary.

To quickly learn all the relevant words.

Of the topics you like to reading and listen to.

Keep doing this regularly.

You will very soon understand the language effortlessly.

Want to learn more? Join the Natural Language Learning course.

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